Verity in Sweden

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Snow and then no snow

I was so happy yesterday. I got a call from Jesper at 5.30 as he was coming past uni (he has to walk past my building to get home from the station) saying I should come down and give him a kiss in the snow. Absentmindedly I said "Can you come up to my office, I'm not quite done". I hung up and sat down again. Then it suddenly dawned on me, did he just say snow. I went to greet him at the door "Did you just say snow?". And it had snowed and I was so so excited. It was beautiful and white when we went outside. I really wanted snow for Christmas and for a brief moment I though maybe we were going to get it. My first white Christmas.

Except when I woke up this morning the snow has melted and it was warm again (well 3 degrees but I guess my definition of warm is changing). And not only that but it was icy and slippery so I had to be very careful on my way to work. I tried to tell Anders the workshop guy of my sorrow (he doesn't speak much English and as we know my Swedish is anything but good) "Anders, jag är ledsen... inge snö (translating as I am sad, no snow). Yes it is a bit simplistic but it describes my sentiments pretty exactly. So no snow and 5 days till Christmas. Keep you fingers crossed (or your thumbs held if you are Swedish) for me and I will keep you updated on the snow situation.


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