Verity in Sweden

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Finally some snow around here

Hej all. I'm going to interrupt the Christmas story to say... there is snow!!! And heaps of it! Finally... I thought it was never going to come. And it looks so so pretty too. I went out to this cafe in the forest with Teodora, a friend from university and the whole world is white. Everyone is out making snowmen (or women... or sphinxs??). Jesper even made a really really small snowman for out windowsill (although now it is creeping me out because it is staring in through our window). Jesper said not to worry because if it comes inside to get us it will just melt =). So I guess my rantings about snow need to be accompanied by some proof. Yes I have multitudes of snow photos. And yes I almost fell over today... I did the slip over and then try to regain your footing on the ice dance for about 30 seconds while an amused audience looked on (actually I shouldn't say that because Teodora came to my rescue while I made woooowhah noises). So enough of the talking and on with the photos.

Snow on the reeds at a lake in the forest near where I live.

Some very cold sheep.

The forest just outside the cafe.

Really huge snowmen (as in I am the same height as the smaller one).

And a really tiny snowman on our windowsill (who is staring in at me very creepily right now... such souless eyes *shiver*).


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