Verity in Sweden

Monday, April 02, 2007


I just want to say this now. I dunno... I feel so weird that life just goes on when something like this happens. It kind of frightens me how much that is true... when something awful happens everyone else is still living and doing their laundry and going to work, like nothing ever changed. I tried to just go on with the blogging like normal because I don't know if saying something is strange. But I have been thinking about it a lot lately and dreaming about it and I don't want to just go onwards without saying.

Eliot... you will be missed.

We may not have been the best of friends in the end, but I will always remember the times we had together... growing up with you.

- In Celebration 75 standing in the chorus in front of you and you poked me every 5 minutes in the back with your bow till I couldn't stop giggling when I was supposed to be quiet

- A minor in Eliot's car - the best fugue ever

- Parties at your place that were always the best ever cause everyone ended up in the pool whether they liked it or not and someone always spiked the punch

- long phone conversations dissecting last weekends party, revolving entirely around who was doing what and with whom - you were the best gossip buddy

- your huge smile and your huge hugs and larger than life personality that filled the room as soon as you came in

I hope that wherever you are now the music is beautiful.


  • Hey VB,
    Just wanted to say sorry for not really being there much for you with the Eliot thing, think i got swept up in the whirlwind of it all and then came back to earth with a thump and am still trying to hide my bruises - or rather ignore that they exist. So I think it's really wonderful you put this on your site...

    Lots of love

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 am  

  • Hej Lise,

    I'm really sorry I haven't been able to be there to give you a big hug and have a big talk. Maybe we could skype sometime... doesn't have to be about this but it would just be nice to talk. I have to admit though I think sometimes ignoring is the only thing that works to let you move on and keep going, so don't feel bad about it.

    lots of love and hugs back

    By Blogger Verity, at 11:41 pm  

  • Yeah we should skype it's just impossible finding time...i sux. I'm usually on MSN at work these days...but u guys aren't on that. Maybe i will have to download skype on the work computer, hopefully they won't sack me for it :-P

    Wish i could give u a hug too!
    Love the pics tho...ur hair looked awesome...


    By Blogger Unknown, at 2:53 pm  

  • Thanks about the hair. I really wish my hair looked like that in real life! I have to say I wouldn't want to wear a wig like that all the time... that synthetic hair is really hot and itchy and man it hurts when it sticks in your eyes.

    By Blogger Verity, at 8:23 pm  

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